Destination Management Board
Destination Management Board
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole
To take effect from 19 July 2022
1.1 The name of the Association will be the “Destination Management Board - Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole” (hereafter called the Board or DMB). This Board will embrace and encompass the interests of businesses within Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
To develop and assist delivery of a shared vision for a prosperous tourism industry in Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole that will bring together organisations with a vested interest in developing an outstanding place to live, work and visit enabling residents, businesses and visitors to enjoy the benefits of being in a market leading destination.
This aim will be achieved through high level representation of all Tourism sectors, the local authority of Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council (hereinafter called the Council) and other tourism experts, through decisive actions and clear accountability.
3.1 The purpose of the Board is to ~
3.1.1 Support the fundamental values of the Council’s Corporate Plans
Maintaining and strengthening the strong brand identities of the areas that comprise the destination.
Building public sector/private sector partnerships to improve the competitiveness of the destination offer.
Promoting quality and year-round activity within all aspects of the destination product.
Encouraging a high skill and investment in the tourism industry.
3.1.2 Support the professional Tourism & Seafront team by:
Seeking and generating funding to match and complement the Council’s investment in tourism and seafront activities.
Providing guidance on financial performance, marketing methods and events activity.
Identifying appropriate market research and visitor management initiatives.
3.1.3 Assist the Council by:
Bringing forward proposals, comments and views on matters affecting the destination.
Acting as the prime consultation/discussion forum for the Council on tourism issues.
Developing a Tourism Strategy for shared ownership by the Council, the local tourism industry and other local/regional agencies.
Interpreting research data and local/regional/national trend information.
3.1.4 Support the Tourism Industry by:
Providing a strong, unified voice for the industry on local, regional and national tourism issues that will have a bearing on business efficiency.
Resolving any issues that might damage the reputation of the resorts.
Ensuring that tourism has an active role within the development
programme for the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Providing active representation on any board deemed relevant to
delivering the stated aim of the DMB.
Ensuring that the performance of the destination’s tourism and seafront
management, marketing and development activity is both competitive
and effective.
Maintaining and strengthening the strong brand identity of the areas that
comprise the destination.
3.1.5 Adopt progressive working practices by:
Promoting active teamwork across the area.
Adopting a dynamic, outward looking approach that is in tune with
changing market needs.
Clear accountabilities that recognise the urgency of working in a highly
competitive market with a highly perishable service.
Respecting the contribution of all parties
Encouraging and appreciating the unremitting initiative and drive needed
to keep the area in a market leading position.
Ensuring a single, clear voice to champion tourism across the area.
4.1 Collective support for the achievement of the aim of the Board (Para. 2) will be through commitment to the DMB Strategy.
5.1 The annual priorities to be set by a vote of the Board from a short list and published by the end of April each year. The priorities highlight those primary activities that demand greatest attention from the Board over the following 12 months. Progress to be monitored by the Board on an ongoing basis.
6.1 The role of the Board is to coordinate the direction of tourism in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole offering guidance and advice to the Council on the most productive tourism strategy. The Board has no delegated powers or direct budgetary responsibilities. However, the Board will undertake to provide a balanced and representative input from the tourism industry.
6.2 It is recognised that the close professional working partnership between the public and private sector, made possible by the establishment of the Board, will have a significant and positive influence on the direction and effectiveness of tourism in the destination.
7.1 The Board comprises three main Groups:
Group 1: Trade representation (Voting)
Group 2: Political representation (Voting)
Group 3: Co-opted representation/experts (Non–voting)
7.2 Group 1. The Board has up to 14 trade representatives with named deputies plus the Chair (see section 8) who will be responsible for covering all aspects of the tourism offer in the destination. This sector representative model allows the Board to take a holistic approach to the strategic development of the tourist industry in the destination. (The selection process is detailed in section 8.1)
7.2.1 Conference & Convention:BHLive,BusinessEventsBournemouth (BEB), Lighthouse and other venues
7.2.2 Accommodation: BAHA. Serviced accommodation (hotels and guest houses) and un-serviced accommodation (self-catering, holiday parks and camping)
7.2.3 International Education: International Education Association (IEA) Further and higher educational institutions, accredited language schools, boarding schools and other international student facing educational organisations.
7.2.4 BID companies: Represented by the Chairs of Bournemouth Coastal BID, Bournemouth Town Centre BID, Poole Town Centre BID & Christchurch BID. ( 4 representatives)
7.2.5 Leisure & Attractions: Attractions, Events, Entertainment & Sports including Watersports, and other water-based activities (eg. angling, pleasure boats, diving, yachting)
7.2.6 Transport & Environment: Buses, Taxis, Airport, Rail, Port of Poole, Parking / Signage / Highways and green issues.
7.2.7 Creative /Culture: Arts and Culture, Dance, Museums, Theatres
7.2.8 Hospitality: Wonky Table Restaurants, Night Clubs, Bars, Pubs
7.2.9 Events: South Coast Events Forum Festivals, commercial & community events, event services, suppliers, crew, technicians, freelancers & security
7.2.10 Retail Sector
7.2.11 Night Time Economy
7.3 Group 2. Up to two representatives:
7.3.1 Portfolio Holder responsible for Tourism Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council
7.3.2 Leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council
7.4 Group 3. The Board can also invite other co-opted experts to attend regularly or as required who are non-voting and could include.
7.4.1 Council Chief Executive
7.4.2 Executive Directors from the Council
7.4.3 Director responsible for Destination & Culture
7.4.4 Head of Destination & Events
7.4.5 National Coastal Tourism Academy (NCTA)
7.4.6 Dorset Tourism Association (DTA)
7.4.7 DorsetLocalEnterprisePartnership(LEP)
7.4.8 Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC)
7.4.9 Chamber & Districts representative
7.4.10 BID Managers
7.4.11 Future Places representative
7.4.12 Economic Development Director from the Council
7.4.13 Cultural Portfolio Holder
7.4.14 National Tourism representative
The term of the co-option is by agreement of the Board.
7.5 There are up to 16 voting members of the Board plus the Vice Chair if appointed from outside the Board. The Chair has a casting vote only.
7.6 The Board will also have the power to elect a President (non-voting) if it so chooses. This role and the length of tenure will be at the discretion of the Board. The purpose will be to add gravitas and wisdom to the decisions of the Board, maintain continuity and to support the Chair and Vice-Chair as necessary.
7.7 The Board will appoint an Administrator (non-voting) from the Council who will arrange Board meetings, send out agendas, take and distribute the minutes of Board meetings and liaise with the Board members.
8.1 Board members representing the trade will be appointed by the relevant trade organisations covering the areas identified above (7.2).
8.2 The Chair & Vice Chair
Will normally serve for two years.
The Vice Chair will normally take over the position of Chair at the first
Board meeting following 1st March every other year.
Should the Vice Chair not choose to take up the position then the election of the Chair will take place at the first Board meeting following 1st March every other year. This will be by ballot from the voting Board members.
The Vice Chair will be elected at the first meeting following the appointment of the Chair.
8.3 In the event of either the Chair or Vice-Chair being unable to continue in post the Board will elect a replacement at the next Board meeting with a minimum of 14 days’ notice to Board members.
8.4 The role and remit of the Chair, Vice Chair and trade sector representatives will be to speak for businesses across the destination and provide a reasonable geographic balance if one does not naturally emerge.
8.5 It is essential that where possible Board members commit to attend every meeting. (6 per year) When unable to attend it is the responsibility of sector representatives to arrange for their named deputy to cover whenever possible. If a deputy is unable to attend, members are requested to endeavour to send an alternative representative for their sector.
9.1 The Board will normally meet bi-monthly on the third Tuesday of the month in March, May, July, September, November and January. Meetings will normally last for two hours (2pm –4pm).(10am – 12 noon)
9.2 A meeting can only be held if the Chair, Vice-Chair or President is present.
9.3 The quorum of the Board is six voting members
9.4 All voting members will have one vote. The Chair will not normally vote but will have the ability to exercise a casting vote.
9.5 Guests may be invited to the Board by the Chair or Vice-Chair but will not have a vote.
9.6 The Chair and Vice-Chair will agree and draft the agenda. Any Board member may submit agenda items in advance of the meeting.
9.7 No alterations or amendments to the Constitution can be made except by a resolution passed at a Board meeting with at least 6 members voting in favour (minimum two private sector and two public sector) and where at least 14 days’ notice is given to all members prior to the meeting.
9.8 A Special General Meeting must be convened if there is a written request signed by no less than six voting members and will require a minimum of 14 days’ notice.
10.1 At every Board Meeting all action points agreed shall be recorded in the Minutes and allocated to a named Board member or members for action.
10.2 Where the Board becomes aware that any action point will not be completed by the stipulated date it shall be raised as a specific agenda item at the next Board Meeting and a full explanation provided.
10.3 The Board will then either grant a further time period for completion of the outstanding action point or take such other steps as it shall consider appropriate.
11.1 If members decide at any time and for any reason that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Board, then a Special General Meeting shall be called at which a minimum of two thirds of voting members must be present. If the Board’s decision is confirmed by a majority vote at the meeting the Board will then be dissolved.